Saturday, 7 March 2015

Walk to Health

Walk to health…………

The world all over is currently facing a fast spreading epidemic of Non- Communicable diseases like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc.  caused in part by the rising trend in Obesity rates, corresponding to declining rates of Physical activity.

So what is a solution that is both easy on pocket as well as most effective in tackling the above mentioned heath issues?
The answer is WALKING.

Walking is one of the least expensive and most accessible from of physical activity. Not onlyit is rarely associated with any physical injury but also can easily be adopted by people of all ages and yes, very easy on pocket without needing to spend a single paisa.

Let’s look at some important facts:
* Walking an extra 20 minutes each day will burn off 7 pounds of body fat per year.
* Longer, Moderately-paced daily Walks (about 40 min at 60% max heart rate) are best for 
   losing weight.
* Shorter, Faster walks (20 min at 80%max heart rate) are best for conditioning your heart &

What’s more?
Physical Benefits:
üRaises your metabolismüLowers high blood pressureüHelps control and prevent diabetesüReduces risk of cancersüStrengthens your bonesüRelieves most cases of chronic back pain üImproves Flexibility and Posture.
Psychological Benefits:
üReduces anxiety with associated with minor stressüImproves sleep qualityüImproves cognitive functionsüIncrease size of Hippocampus & prefrontal cortex,
   which potentiallybenefits memory power

How do we know Walking is so beneficial?
A recent study of walking habits of 4, 00,000 people found that, just 15 minutes a day of brisk walking can have significant health benefits, adding up to three years to life expectancy.
Can I calculate the calories burnt during walking?
Estimate calories burned: a rough estimate
To calculate the number of calories burned walking a mile at casual walking speed (2mph),multiply your weight in pounds by 0.49, and for brisk walk(3.5mph), multiply it by 0.5

Is there any walking guideline?
Walking Guidelines:
*  For good health, physical activity should be of moderate intensity. For walking, this is at 
   least 100 steps    per minute, equivalent to approximately 3000 steps per half hour.

* Even slow walking burns around 114 calories per mile for someone weighing200lb (91kg).

* Elderly people and people with chronic condition/ disabilities, currently average between 
   2000- 9000steps/ day, and 1200-8800 steps/ days respectively.

* Children between the ages of 6 and 12 typically average between 10000 and 16000 steps per
   day, while adolescents average only approximately 8000- 9000 steps per day.(This is the
   reason for teenage obesity problem)

* Walking is much preferable to running or jogging because it creates less stress on your
   joints, including hips, knees and ankle. Osteo-Arthritic people do walking to reduce wear
   and tear of joints.

* Remember to properly warm up before walking and cooling down after every walking
   session…Do stretching exercises after warm up. Your muscle will love it!!!

* During Summer, sip water in between to hydrate the body and to reduce heat stroke and

* Diabetic patients should keep sugar pills or candy in pocket and take if they feel giddy with
   low sugar levels.

* Wear well- fitted walking shoes with a flexible soles that provide good arch support and
   adequate cushion for your heel to avoid heel pain and ligaments sprain.

* Recommended walk for health benefit is 150 minutes or more a week in a pace of 3 to 4
   miles per hour.

* In case of pain, discomfort, profuse sweating you should discontinue the walking and seek
   medical consultation.

* If you feel pain in joints and lower back ache after walking, you need gait and postural
   correction from your physiotherapist.

* Make sure you have loose- fitting, comfortable clothing and appropriate for weather

* Avoid competitive spirit with co- walker, Walk according to your own capacity.

“The true miracle is not walking on water or walking on air but walking on this earth”
“Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time”
“Hope is the dream of walking man”.
Issued in public interest to encourage walking and to prevent non-communicable diseases.

Please visit  for Physicotherapist Doctors in

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